The StraightAway swing aid
The StraightAway swing aid is the best tool for grooving a perfect tour takeaway.
Dozens of players of every skill level using the StraightAway have been amazed at the improvement in their ball striking and consistency, after just a few minutes. Fixes the biggest problem in the golf swing – the takeaway.
- Clips onto any club in seconds
- Make practice swings or hit balls with it
- Works for right and left-handed golfers
- Instant feedback for long-term improvement
All Great Coaches & Players, Regardless Of Their Teaching Or Playing Philosophy, Agree…The Takeaway Is One Of The Most Important Moves In The Swing
“In all my years of teaching, I have never seen as much improvement in golf swings than when players start using the StraightAway swing aid.”
– Hall-of-Fame Instructor David Leadbetter
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How it works
Straightaway – How it works
- Slip the SA onto the shaft of any club up to 2” above the grip. RH up for right handers LH for left handers
- Point the red arrow straight down the shaft towards 6 o’clock. Tighten both screws so the unit is secure.
- Setup to the ball and place an alignment stick or club on your toe line parallel to the target line. It’s important to have your toes right up to the stick to obtain correct visual.
- Move the belly button (core) to initiate the backswing keeping the left arm connected to the chest.
- Move the butt end of the club and the hands slightly inside towards your right thigh, feel the clubhead tracking slightly inside the target line. It’s like a small circle that the hands track on being inside a bigger circle that the club head moves on. Feel the hands in and the clubhead out.
- The butt end of the club (depending on the length of the club) should move +/- 9inches, no further than the right hip pocket – it’s a short movement. The club head, depending on the club, should move a maximum of 36 inches.
- Stop and check this very important position. When looking down, observe the yellow arrow parallel to and inside the alignment stick on your toes. The yellow arrow points StraightAway towards 9 o’clock (3 o’clock for left handers). This is the Tour Takeaway Position, hands in club out. The yellow arrow must look at 9 o’clock parallel to the stick on the ground, neither looking right or left of the stick!
- Rehearse this core connected move making sure the yellow arrow points at 9 o’clock. Get to this position and hit balls from here. Essentially you are splitting the swing up into two sections – the takeaway and the rest to the finish.
- Advanced move – make the backswing and as you swing down towards impact in the delivery position the yellow arrow once again should be parallel to the alignment stick on the ground. This ensures the club head is approaching the ball on the proper angle with the hands leading the shaft leaning forward and the club face square. Rehearse this movement prior to hitting a shot to get the correct visual.
See How It Works
Features & Benefits
Features & Benefits
- Fixes the root cause of most swing faults – the takeaway
- Clips onto any club in seconds
- Hit balls or make practice swings using the StraightAway
- Provides instant feedback as to whether you are in the TOUR takeaway position or not
- Gets the hands and club head on track right from the start
- Synchronizes your arms and body – creating good swing tempo
- Eliminates the need to compensate for a poor takeaway later on in the swing
- Keeps technical swing thoughts to a minimum
- Improves your chipping and pitching
- The 4″ – 2oz Straightaway comes with a small carry pouch
Good Player Takeaway vs. Common Takeaway
Good Player Takeaway vs. Common Takeaway

Frequently Asked Questions
Here we answer just a few of the commonly asked questions about the Straight Away Swing Aid
What does the StraightAway Actually Do?
The StraightAway is a self-help tool that fixes your takeaway – the number one problem in golf leading to so many other faults and inconsistency.
Clip it on your club and you will understand the track that the clubhead and the hands travel on right from the start to create a perfect Tour Takeaway and a simple repeating swing.
The benefits are many, including swinging the club back on the correct path, getting your body synced up with your arms, and creating the ideal tempo.
By practicing with the StraightAway, just by making swings at home or hitting balls on the range you will understand in a matter of minutes of how to produce a consistent swing. We have included some enhancement drills so you can really benefit from the StraightAway.
The StraightAway is a self-help tool that fixes your takeaway – the number one problem in golf leading to so many other faults and inconsistency.
Clip it on your club and you will understand the track that the clubhead and the hands travel on right from the start to create a perfect Tour Takeaway and a simple repeating swing.
The benefits are many, including swinging the club back on the correct path, getting your body synced up with your arms, and creating the ideal tempo.
By practicing with the StraightAway, just by making swings at home or hitting balls on the range you will understand in a matter of minutes of how to produce a consistent swing. We have included some enhancement drills so you can really benefit from the StraightAway.
Why is the takeaway so important?
It is the first link in the chain. If it is wrong, you are compensating from thereon in. It’s basically the one common move that the pros make regardless of how the rest of their swing looks – the hands appear in the club head appears out.
Does the Straight Away work for beginner, intermediate or experienced golfers?
It is the first link in the chain. If it is wrong, you are compensating from thereon in. It’s basically the one common move that the pros make regardless of how the rest of their swing looks – the hands appear in the club head appears out.
Wouldn’t I have been better off investing in lessons?
Having taught this game for nearly 50 years, it pains me to say this but… no.
Don’t get me wrong. Paying for lessons is never a bad thing.
But using the StraightAway is guaranteed to improve your game – and you can use it any time, practically anywhere, without even hitting balls.
One more thing: The StraightAway costs about the same as an hour with a good coach. And I’m pretty sure that over time, you’ll get more value from the StraightAway.
Does the StraightAway work for every club?
The StraightAway works with every club from the driver to a chipping club. The hands in clubhead out concept, the theory that the pros adhere to and amateurs don’t holds true for every club. The very short shot is just a mini version of the full swing.