Lag Shot Junior™ (age 6-8 years)
Lag Shot Junior™ 7 Iron – #1 Swing Trainer For Juniors 6-8 years old!
Introducing a hittable golf swing training aid that’s designed and built for boys and girls ages 6-8 years old! The length, weight, grip, and flex make the club easy to swing, and will help your junior golfer age 6-8 groove a smooth golf swing with power!
We’re thrilled to introduce you to the Lag Shot Junior™ that is designed for golfers between the ages of 6-8 years old.
You want your junior golfer to enjoy the hobby you love. The best way to accomplish that? Give them something FUN to hit that automatically grooves a great golf swing! The Lag Shot Junior™ is lighter, with a smaller grip, and more “whippiness” in the shaft to perfectly match the slower swing speeds of junior golfers.
Why the lag Shot Junior?
When Lag Shot customers speak, we listen. Over the past year, Lag Shot customers have given us phenomenal feedback regarding our Lag Shot swing trainers.
One question that keeps coming up on a daily basis is “when are you going to make a shorter, lighter version for junior golfers?”
Exciting news! The Lag Shot Junior™ for 6-8 year olds is here!